What our clients say

Jean's Testimonials:

NHS Clinical Director
NHS Clinical Director
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Jean is an excellent and supportive coach, highly focussed and effective. She helped me to understand wider organisational context and the motivations of our Trust Board, as well as the concerns of those members of staff for whom the senior levels of the organisation were less visible. She listened well and asked insightful questions and as a result my ability to interrogate a problem developed. She did not provide solutions, but challenged me to produce my own, and then constructively challenged these! Through our sessions together she helped me to decide what was and was not worth fighting for. Jean’s interpersonal skills are excellent, and this, together with her good humour, made what might otherwise have been unpalatable more tolerable. Over time, I found that I was able to incorporate new ways of thinking and behaviour into my own leadership style, and this was most helpful in terms of my confidence in taking risks.
Senior civil servant
Senior civil servant
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I really cannot recommend Jean highly enough. She is very observant, meaningful in her feedback and focussed on helping you achieve your personal goals. It’s been a real pleasure and personally an insightful journey for me. I would suggest that if you are stuck in a rut, facing challenging milestones, yet not sure how to approach them, Jean would be the ideal executive coach to help you. Signing up for executive coaching with Jean has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time.
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Jean acts as my sounding board, to help me tease out the answers or solutions. She is so calm and encouraging, I feel energised after our conversations. I leave the coaching sessions with clear goals and actions, and always look forward to the next session.
Consultant Psychiatrist
Consultant Psychiatrist
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Without a doubt, due to Jean’s mentoring and coaching I was able to grow and to develop lasting helpful habits that have made me stronger and more capable. It has helped me to effect change and collaborate with others to solve broader strategic challenges. I learned specific skills in managing difficult situations which have hugely helped me to navigate politics and bureaucracy in my current role as a Consultant Psychiatrist.
NHS senior manager
NHS senior manager
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I found my sessions with Jean really helpful at a time when I was looking for, and found, a new and very different role. I recognised how much my confidence had been affected by previous work experiences. Jean really helped me to recognise my transferable skills and utilise my own experiences to think about what has and has not worked previously and plan better for success. Jean is a great listener and very skilled; she was never directive or suggestive of things I should do but really effectively supported me to find my own means to address the issues.
Charity CEO
Charity CEO
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I'm very grateful for the excellent coaching experience I've had with Jean. Her subtle coaching style has helped me identify and unearth challenging areas in my life by putting them into perspective. Thanks to Jean's guiding questions, I was able to come up with practical ways that helped improve my self-confidence as well as better balance my professional and personal life.
NHS Executive Director: Nursing and Quality
NHS Executive Director: Nursing and Quality
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Jean provided me with expert coaching and mentorship on a number of nationally high level and high importance pieces of work, including balancing ethical principles against resources and policy decisions. Jean’s coaching style encouraged professional growth and promoted my own curiosity to explore multiple facets of problems in a calm and appropriately measured manner. I always found our sessions informative and productive.
NHS Senior Nurse Manager
NHS Senior Nurse Manager
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I had a few sessions with Jean when I was really struggling with my job. I knew that I wanted to leave my current position but felt stuck. Jean helped me to think about how I might look for other avenues to explore and how I could find out about other suitable roles. Once I got an interview for a job that I really wanted to get, Jean gave me some tips and coaching about how to prepare for the interview. I am happy to say that this really helped and I was successful. I would recommend Jean as a coach; she is very perceptive and incisive. I was in a very bad place and I felt extremely overwhelmed. Jean helped me to focus on practical things that I could do to move forwards

Jill's Testimonials:

NHS senior manager
NHS senior manager
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I can recommend Jill as emotionally intelligent, politically astute, and connected with amazing people throughout the NHS. You couldn't choose a better coach and person to provide support and challenge to your personal development.
Life Sciences Director
Life Sciences Director
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Jill Lockett’s approach to leadership coaching is both efficient and convenient for me. Jill is able to strike a unique balance of careful listening with sharing her wealth of experience and ideas. Our meetings have been focused and practical. Together, we have analysed the kinds of situations that confounded me, and we found ways to work around or through them using approaches, I know I will apply repeatedly. Jill is a consummate professional and continues to play a central role in my growth and development as a leader. Our conversations have supported me to create clarity and enabled me to be successful in finding new opportunities. I am forever grateful!
NHS senior manager
NHS senior manager
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The coaching sessions with Jill have been invaluable, I was quite lost when we first met and I have been able to pause and reflect on what I want from my career and lifestyle going forward and make good plans for the future. I can’t thank Jill enough.
NHS Director
NHS Director
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My coaching sessions with Jill have helped me work through some complex work based issues and to make some key decisions. I felt supported, listened to and enabled throughout. Jill uses a number of different coaching tools and techniques but also brings decades of experience and a lot of good humour to our sessions. The sessions have been invaluable in helping me see clearly and navigate the complexity of my industry.
Strategic advisor and partnerships professional
Strategic advisor and partnerships professional
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I would highly recommend Jill for Career and Leadership Coaching. Whilst helping me to work through specific situations, she also took a more holistic approach equipping me with a toolkit to support my development which I refer to regularly. This, alongside Jill's refreshing honesty and wealth of experience gave me the confidence to explore opportunities I wouldn't have previously considered. I am very grateful for the lasting impact Jill's work with me has had on my self-awareness, structure of my skillset and sustained growth.