Today is 22.02.2022. It is a palindrome, meaning it reads the same forward and backward. It also falls on a Tuesday, now referred to as ‘Twos’day. Some believe it is related to awakenings, insights and revelations.
In many ways, that is what coaching is about.
But it is more than that. It is also about reflecting on those new insights, and harnessing their potential for positive change, whether it be in the work environment or in our personal lives. It is about helping us to think through complex decisions.
Having someone who is independent to partner with you on your coaching journey, to actively listen to you, and to offer reflection and challenge, allows us to create, dream and examine alternatives, options, another perspective. In doing so we free ourselves from binary choices – choices we may unintentionally impose on ourselves, because we are overwhelmed, anxious, unsure or because of patterns of behaviour and self-limiting beliefs that no longer serve us well.
Coaching at OLA may help you gain a better understanding of the past, but its focus and potential is in the present, working with you to enhance your self-awareness and insight and supporting you to take that next courageous step towards your own goals.